> I have a theory ... but I need some information before I present it to 
> the 
> group...
> Claes -- would you please name your 10 most favorite patriotic songs for 
> your 
> country. ... (anyone else on this list feel free to do the same.)
> For the USA (and for me) I would name:
>        God Bless America
>        God Bless the USA
>        America, the Beautiful
>        This land is your land
>        What is America to me
>        The Battle Hymn of the Republic
>        Stars & Stripes Forever
>        Semper Fidelis
>        Yankee Doodle Dandy
>        Grand Old Flag
>        Naturally All the service songs (Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Air Force 
> and Army and the list stops here 'cause I'm already way over 10).
> I can even do a list for the Irish... (again, favorites of mine that 
> speak 
> strongly to my ancestral love for Ireland)
>        Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears
>        Forty Shades of Green
>        Ireland, Mother Ireland
>        Isle of Inisfree
>        The Kerry Dance
>        How are things in Glocca Morra
>        The fields of Athenry
>        Let there be peace
>        A nation once again
>        Galway Bay
> Lawana

Put the Star-Spangled Banner at the top of my list. I like the Battle 
Hymn of the Republic a lot.

The hymns of the services would have to be on my list too.

Grand Old flag and America the Beautiful, for sure. 
God Bless America is a must. Remember Kate Smith belting it out? 

Stars and Stripes Forever is a good one.

In fact, most of J.P. Sousa's catalogue could find a spot on my list. If 
it's played with gusto by a military-type band, almost anything could 
make the list.

Even though I'm only a distant fraction Irish, I love Irish songs. I've 
enjoyed Galway Bay since I was a small boy and some singer whose name 
escapes me put out a recording of it that was played often on the radio. 
Irish songs are great for singing in the shower. Too-ra loo ra loo RAH!

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