rod/christine wrote:
> Al Winslow wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > rod/christine wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > The income tax is unconstitutional.
> > 
> > ----------------------
> > 
> > Th income tax is a bad idea, but it is not unconstitutional. 
> > 
> > The Constitution was AMENDED nearly 90 years ago specifically to allow 
> > the federal government to levy such a tax. 
> > 
> > It's the 16th Amendment. 
> > 
> > Once an amenedment becomes part of the Constitution, whatever it allows 
> > is constitutional.
> ===
> In my opinion... it is unconstitutional.
> R

I'd be interested in hearing how you arrive at the notion that something 
that is provided for in an amendment to the Constitution could be 
unconstitutional. You could have the opinion that you are the King of 
Prussia, but that wouldn't make it so.

The income tax may be something that you really, really don't like. It 
may be a terrible idea. But, since the Sixteenth Amrendment to the US 
Constitution [ratified Feb. 25, 1913] says "The Congress shall have 
power to lay and collect taxes on income from whatever source 
derived..." there's hardly any way it can be "unconstitutional."

That's not a mere piece of congressional legislation. It is a 
constitutional amednmemt, passed, approved and ratified by the amendment 
process contained within the Constitution.

I think it's a bad idea, but unconstitutional it is not.

I know there are wacko movements and book-writers who tell people they 
don't have to pay their income taxes because it is unconstitutional. 
Good luck in court if you take them seriously. Those ideas belong on the 
sme shelf with the UFO and Elvis-sighting books.

In the meantime, get a copy of the US Constitution and READ it. It's 
available on the internet in several places. A quick Google search will 
provide you with enlightenment. Your congressman's office will probably 
send you a free copy of the Constitution upon request.


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