I, Al Winslow wrote:

> Speculating can be fun, but there has to be some rational basis for it. 
> This one makes no sense at all. I've said my last word on it unless 
> someone comes up with a video tape of a Ryder Truck exploding next to 
> the Pentagon, or a UFO zapping the building with a ray-gun.

My mind changed. I'm going to write one more little bit on the subject. 
I'm going to repeat myself. I often repeat myself because after giving 
people logic, common sense and reason, they refuse to get it -- so I use 
the technique of the TV advertisers: keep pounding the message and maybe 
it will finally penetrate their skulls.

We have all seen the videotape that the French TV crew shot of the first 
plane slamming into the World Trade Center.

No pieces of the aircraft fell back outside of the building!!!

A hole was left just like the hole in the Pentagon.


Aircraft traveling fast disappear when they slam squarely into a 

Think about it.

It's not like you have no other similar occurrence with which to compare 
the Pentagon crash. You have the first WTC crash. On tape. 

NOW I'm through with this subject.


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