On 4/19/06, Angus Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I figured the best way forward with FMV sequences was to keep the
> released content, but avoid the unreleased "codec130" video codec.  Once we
> aren't keeping the original files, we may as well dump RPL and use a better
> known format.  As a step in that direction, here's a tool that will use the
> binary dlls to extract RPL content into a standard (uncompressed) AVI file.

This is very cool work.

One problem is that we have not, strictly speaking, been given
permission to distribute the videos. One could argue that they would
have released the videos as well, if only they had thought we could
have made use of them, but it just so happens they did not, and it
seems hard to impossible to arrange such permissions now because the
original team and/or rights to the game seems to have been dispersed
all over.

If someone could manage to track down someone with the authority to
release the videos for free distribution, that would be really good.
If that turns out to be impossible, I do not know what we can do. We
could perhaps announce that we interpret the intention of the GPL
release as releasing everything in the Warzone release that we can
play without infringing on third-party copyrights or patents.
Converting the RPL videos to Theora would cover that.

  - Per

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