I started GreatRift, enabled cheatmode and cheated the satelite uplink.
Result: Segfault.
This didn't happen before the weekend, I think.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1209153840 (LWP 25502)]
0x0813431e in drawRadarBlips () at ../src/intdisplay.c:3643
3643                                            if((((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)
((VIEWDATA *)psCurr->pViewData)->pData)->timeAdded + 60000) <= gameTime)
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0813431e in drawRadarBlips () at ../src/intdisplay.c:3643
        psProxDisp = (PROXIMITY_DISPLAY *) 0xb1991d90
        psFeature = (FEATURE *) 0x368
        imageID = 0
        VisWidth = 128
        VisHeight = 128
        delay = 150
        proxType = 624
        psCurr = (MESSAGE *) 0xb198d758
        i = 3
#1  0x080d890d in draw3DScene () at ../src/display3d.c:452
        bPlayerHasHQ = 1
#2  0x080d5eee in displayWorld () at ../src/display.c:1626
        pos = {x = -1076524872, y = 135851249, z = -1315759040}
#3  0x08148691 in gameLoop () at ../src/loop.c:688
        psCurr = (DROID *) 0x0
        psNext = (DROID *) 0x0
        psCBuilding = (STRUCTURE *) 0x0
        psNBuilding = (STRUCTURE *) 0x0
        psCFeat = (FEATURE *) 0x0
        psNFeat = (FEATURE *) 0x0
        i = 8
        widgval = 0
        quitting = 0
        intRetVal = INT_NONE
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        clearMode = CLEAR_FOG
        __FUNCTION__ = "gameLoop"
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "gameLoop"
#4  0x0814a0f7 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfd58a34) at ../src/main.c:714
        frameRet = FRAME_OK
        quit = 0
        Restart = 0
        paused = 0
        introVideoControl = 3
        loopStatus = 0
        psPaletteBuffer = (iColour *) 0x0
        pSize = 768
(gdb) p psCurr
$1 = (MESSAGE *) 0xb198d758
(gdb) p psCurr->pViewData
$2 = (MSG_VIEWDATA *) 0xb4a97424
(gdb) p ((VIEWDATA*)psCurr->pViewData)->pData
$3 = (void *) 0xdddddddd

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