On 7/14/07, Per Inge Mathisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

See http://wz2100.net/wiki/development:network_code

I think that the current model is "good enough" for a 2.1 release, as
long as we can add reconnect for dropped clients and get the
send/receive stuff to work properly on all platforms.

One thing I have considered is that all clients should try to connect
to all other clients, to create a routed network. All clients should
know which clients connect to whom at all times. This way: 1) if the
host goes down, all connection would not be lost, and 2) we do not
need to reroute packets through the host if we have a direct link, and
3) any one and only one client needs to be without NAT. Of course, if
the host is the only client without NAT, this would be the same as

  - Per

Here is a bigger patch I made,I am not sure if I used NETSend and NETbcast
properly,because they look the same except the playerId part,also I wanted
to disable the sync requests by clients,because I think the host should be
the only one who asks others' games to be consist with its.This may
potentially reduce bandwidth waste and possibly reduce the desynchronization

Another issue I noticed is the packet size limits per second,1201 is the
current hardcoded value,or 1.201 KB per second,which is very probably not
enough for a game with lots of objects,so I think we should do some mp test
games with higher packet limits values to see if increasing 'sync packet'
size/number helps,if it does help we can make that value customizable via
'config' file.

Attachment: netpatch1.diff
Description: Binary data

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