Am Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007 01:38:59 schrieb Dennis Schridde:
> Hi!
> We've worked out a plan how to get the netcode fastly into WZ.
> Fred is missing time a bit, that's why I write this mail.
> The plan is this:
> 1. The netcode patch ( ) needs to be split up in
> function (recieve/send) pairs.
> 2. People (at least 2) apply one such pair at a time.
> 3. They play and test it, reporting any issues they find.
> 4. When they can't find any issues with a patch after thorough testing,
> they approve it as working.
> 5. They grab the next patch and start at (2).
> 6. Somewhere in between or thereafter the approved patches are commited.
> 7. We arrive at a stable netcode for everyone!
> To coordinate the testing I propose to create a Wiki page, eg.
> where all the patches are listed
> and people can make comments, approve them, etc.
> The plan, advice, etc. should be copied there for further reference...
> Notes:
> 1. These patches need to be SVN created patches, since TortoiseSVN refuses
> to apply others, which would mean we would loose lots of Windows testers!
> 2. At least 2 people need to test one pair patch and these patches cannot
> be intermixed. So people who have applied patch1 cannot test together with
> people who have applied patch2.
> People providing binaries per patch are of course welcome.
> 3. Playing an hour or 2 should be enough (depends on type of patch). What
> is to be tested is related to the part the patch affects. I.e. if you test
> a patch related to unit-movement, you obviously don't need to build a lot
> of buildings... What parts are affected by each patch should be summarized
> on the wiki page, possibly along with a list of proposed testing
> procedures. 2.-5. Happen in parallel, so that we get maximum speed. (If the
> resources are present, which I hope is the case. If they are not it doesn't
> matter anyway.) 6. Commiting the patches after testing has finished has the
> benefit that if some bug was overlooked, it doesn't cause confusion for
> other patch-testers as to why exactly the vtol-rearm patch breaks
> research-facilities (eg). 7. And, of course, world domination.
> I strongly advise to run the game in a debugger for the whole time.
> Otherwise it might get difficult to create backtraces in case they are
> needed.
> Being connected via realtime chat (eg. IRC) could help in case of problems,
> but of course this is not required to participate.
> Any feedback needs to contain at least this:
> - Operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOSX, ...) and architecture (x86,
> x86_64, ppc, ppc64, ...) of the involved systems. (Important! This is where
> the old code failed.)
> - Additional info, like "Windows XP SP2", "Ubuntu 7.10", "MacOSX 10.4" and
> whatever seems useful.
> - In case of crashes a backtrace. (If all else fails the crashdump _and_
> the binary might work as well...)
> - A detailed problem description, i.e.:
> -- What was done before the issue happend?
> -- What should have happened?
> -- What happened instead?
> -- How can it be reproduced?
This seems to be a very actively discussed topic, which is interesting to lots 
of people it seems...

We should make the patch splitting a HIGH-PRIORITY task, really.
After that also non-coders can start to test it. So the work needed from our 
part is not really *that* much...

Everyone with 5 minutes of free time, please have a look at , pick one function pair, make it apply to current 
HEAD and send it back...
I am already lagging behind with my homework, but I'll allocate my 
friday-evening to this, though I hope there is not much left of the patch by 
then. ;)


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