On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Freddie Witherden
>  The problem: we need a way for child widgets to position themselves
>  within their parents. We do not want to use pixel co-ordinates and
>  need the system to be flexible.

My suggestion is simply to make it snap to another widget (not
necessarily a parent, could be a sibling), and then provide an (x, y)
constant offset from it in pixel independent values (millimeters?).

>  Currently, when a child widget is added to a parent no location-
>  related information is passed. Instead there is an arbitration
>  process between the parent and the child. Most likely (this is still
>  undecided) it will be: the parent asks the child where it would like
>  to be and then offers it a location/size. The child will then either
>  accept or deny it. The arbitration process continues until *all*
>  child widgets are satisfied.

Sounds complicated. I'd rather not worry about negotiation loops when
adding widgets. On what grounds could a child refuse a location?

>  Furthermore how should the size be done? Should widgets have a min/
>  max/desired size? How can we have it so that a widget will fill up as
>  much space as possible?

I would suggest specifying size exactly using a pixel independent
value (millimeter? permille of screen size?).

  - Per

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