Am Samstag, 2. August 2008 22:49:21 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
> Last call for comments.
In general fine with me, just have some notes:

- Should be made clear that this is for feature patches only.
(For example I doubt that it is needed for "change colour of X from green to 
red" or other minor changes.)
Otherwise it might soon become overkill.

- I would like to get maintainership of parts of the sourcecode temporarily, 
namely those I am heavily working on at the moment. (Hypthetically.)

- I am unsure whether the "style rules" are too strict. For example I do not 
think it makes much difference whether I put braces on the same line as the 
if or not. Something like this also sounds ok to me:
Keep the style of the surrounding code (and do not change existing formating), 
unless you rewrite it anway. Whatever you write, make it readable. (If in 
doubt better add more spaces or newlines.)
And if someone is never in doubt, he can still be asked to change his style.
I do not know how this is handled elsewhere, though, and we had this quite 
some times already, so I understand if you do not want to pick it up again.
Just felt that I was not alone with the feeling that the current rules are a 
bit strict.

- Change in wording: "at least 48 hours", maybe more for bigger changes and 
less for small ones?

- We are probably not enough people to feed all changes through maintainers? 
(The workflow you proposed on IRC.)

- Is there an ok by someone needed to commit? Or can I commit if the others 
are too slow in vetoing? (A joke, obviously, but it can also happen 


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