#1522: warzone2100.pot bug ?
        Reporter:  olexandr1986       |        Type:  bug              
          Status:  new                |    Priority:  major            
       Milestone:  unspecified        |   Component:  Data: Translation
         Version:  unspecified        |    Keywords:  language file bug
Operating_system:  Microsoft Windows  |   Blockedby:                   
        Blocking:                     |  
 "%u unit assigned to Group %u"
 "%u unit selected"
 "Centered on Group %u - %u Unit"
 "Aligning with Group %u - %u Unit"
 "%s - %u Unit assigned"

 all those lines seem to be impossible to edit for me, as well as every
 time I translate a line and try to save it (in poedit)- a fatal error
 occurs saying "uk_UA.po:11640: missing 'msgsrt[]' section" and "msgfmt:
 found 1 fatal error".
 The language file becomes unopenable (every time I try to open it - it
 says that a fatal error has occurred) by poedit. However it can be opened
 by Notepad in Win XP.

 The question is what might be the problem ?
 Is it me ? Or maybe some lines from warzone2100.pot are missing ?
 Please advise, because I have finished the translation into ukrainian and
 I'm worried if you will be able to add it without problems.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1522>
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