Hi all,

Long time since I've actually written on this mailing list.

I've been looking into modifying the rendering code in such a way that
it can be used to render on OpenGL ES (ES 2.0+ considering that I only
have hardware to test that version) enabled devices.

This however, would require significant changes to the drawing code.
Keep in mind that these changes would be required for *pure* OpenGL 3.0
as well, with "pure" meaning without the backward compatibility
extensions.  The two most significant changes are:
 * immediate-mode drawing would have to go (glBegin()/glEnd()),
   replacing it with either VAs or VBOs
  - which code-wise, are nearly the same thing, VBOs are just VAs cached
    in video memory.
 * we cannot use the matrix stack anymore
  - in OpenGL ES the matrix stacks don't exist anymore, so we would have
    to maintain this stack outside of the OpenGL API (relatively easy to
  - fixed pipeline rendering is mostly gone, so a shader performing the
    vertex transformation (multiplication with model-view and projection
    matrices) would have to be used.

Please give me your thoughts on making these changes.  Personally I
don't think removing of immediate-mode rendering is a very big deal, nor
is replacing gl(Push|Pop)Matrix with our own implementation.  Completely
shedding our dependence on the fixed rendering pipeline is something
of an entirely different scale though.

"There are 2 types of people in this world - those who like Chuck
 Norris and those who are dead."
  -- Jus12

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