On Oct 15, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Giel van Schijndel wrote:

>> I'm a bit out of the loop, I guess, on the git stuff. Are we now all
>> using gitorious, or are some people still hanging out at sf.net? If
>> gitorious is so horrible, perhaps we should try github? I use that for
>> another project at work with rather large data files, and it seems
>> snappy.
> I believe GitHub used to have a space limit, I don't think they've got
> one right now, though.  In fact their website claims they don't have any
> hard storage limits, instead they're using "soft" limits.  Depending on
> what they mean with "soft" limits I think using GitHub (instead of
> gitorious) is probably a good idea.

The reason that there are mirrors at sf.net is that some people get much better 
speeds from there.
It also gives us an "it goes to hell (and never mind the hand basket)" option 
to continue work even if the primary repo is inaccessible.

Personally I am all for using GitHub instead, if we can.  For the soft limits 
we have two repos that break them and I am not sure if we would need to get 
their ok for each personal clone of these.

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