as per the question and observations from mr gillmore.

dunno where or why he says what he did - i have had very little
problems with it ( it being the old 16 bit dinosaur).  anyways.

i have the only working copy of the world editor (32 bit) .wz capable.
  the source that qamly was using was lost in a hdd crash on his brand
new 200 gb drive.  any one wishing to experiment - let me know.

as for making a new editor... we need some coders that will be able to
do this.. it seems to me that the one coder that was working on
something has forsaken the project for a better one ( from what i can
see according to logs and writings from him self and others.)

i am still wondering why all the animosity towards those that are
doing the coding... maybe its due to persons not being made aware of
the problems  ie: nothing being written up...even if its a couple
words saying  - yes this is what was accomplished this week.... not a
book...just a few sentences...

some ideas - to use or dont.

chat later
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