08/16/2013 09:11 PM, dak180 wrote:
> On 2013/08/16, at 2:46 PM, Kreuvf wrote:
>> I finally read my book on Git and I am quite eager to contribute some
>> translation stuff.
>> How do I do that properly?
> http://developer.wz2100.net/wiki/CommitGuidelines is a good place to start 
> unless you have a specific question.

Here I go. I did the following:
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp$ git clone git://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2100.git 
> repo
> Cloning into 'repo'...
> remote: Counting objects: 136903, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33306/33306), done.
> remote: Total 136903 (delta 103729), reused 135359 (delta 102415)
> Receiving objects: 100% (136903/136903), 560.05 MiB | 340 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (103729/103729), done.
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp$ cd repo
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp/repo$ git remote add --mirror=push wzp-kreuvf 
> ssh://g...@github.com:kreuvf/warzone2100.git
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp/repo$ git remote -v
> origin        git://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2100.git (fetch)
> origin        git://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2100.git (push)
> wzp-kreuvf    ssh://g...@github.com:kreuvf/warzone2100.git (fetch)
> wzp-kreuvf    ssh://g...@github.com:kreuvf/warzone2100.git (push)

Should it look like that?

Trying to add a local branch as described in the Git Howto does not work.
> http://developer.wz2100.net/wiki/GitHowto
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp/repo$ git checkout --track -b master origin/master 
> fatal: A branch named 'master' already exists.

At least, the Git Howto needs to be updated ;)

Git version:
> kreuvf@fox:/ffa/wzp/repo$ git --version
> git version

I assume the idea is that I create for every different thing I am working on my
own local branch. Then I refine my commits and push stuff to my forked
repository on GitHub. Then I will create a ticket in which I politely request
the pulling of my stuff.

- Kreuvf

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