On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Natasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Just wanted to check if anyone knows about how to take care of
> exception handling in Watir.
> Basically I have created individual watir scripts and now want to
> create a test suite (a master script) which will call each of these.
> I have written a simple master script, which uses require statement to
> call each of these scripts and have declared some global variables
> which can be accessed by each of these scripts.
> Now the problem that I got was, at times some of these scripts failed,
> due to probable bug in the application and hence my master script also
> terminated. I tried to look for exception handling techniques for Ruby
> and found 'begin ... rescue .. ensure ..end' statements. I did use
> this in one of my scripts, but still the master script terminated,
> when the modified script failed and hence other scripts didn't execute
> at all. So I want to ensure that eventhough one test case fails, the
> execution for the other scripts should continue.
> Just wanted to check with the group, if anyone has applied exception
> handling in their scripts or if there is a link to help me with this
> query.
> Thanks in advance,
> Natasha

Hi Natasha,
Perhaps you can consider this option

class MyMasterRunner

  def self.run_this
      #call your script here
    rescue => e
      #oops. Exception occured. That's ok
      # catch it here and continue running next in queue

  def self.run_that
      #call your script here
    rescue => e
      #ooops. Exception occured. That's ok
      #catch it here and continue running next in queue

# RUN My Tests

Of course it would not be smart to run it with TestUnit framework because
they have their own exception handling.


www.testr.us | semantic test objects modeling in watir

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