It should be pointed out that these lines work only when you have
required 'active_support' or something, which requires it :)

On Oct 20, 11:55 pm, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is some more cool stuff with dates.
> C:\>watir-console
>  >> 10.days.ago
> => Fri Oct 10 21:50:46 +0100 2008
>  >> 1.month.from_now
> => Thu Nov 20 21:51:00 +0000 2008
>  >> 2.weeks.since Time.local(2008,1,1)
> => Tue Jan 15 00:00:00 +0000 2008
>  >> -
> => Sun Oct 19 21:52:10 +0100 2008
>  >> + 6.years
> => Mon Oct 20 21:52:22 +0100 2014
> How do i know about this? I looked in the Ruby Cookbook, one of the top
> 2 Ruby books recommended for Watir 
> Testers.
> Moochie wrote:
> > Incase anyone needs to add or subtract  days, months, years or all of
> > the above from a known date the following works for me.
> > require 'date'
> > #Date Add Function
> > def date_add(mth,day,yr)
> >   #Set Date Variable
> >   @new_date =
> >   #Month calculations
> >   if mth != 0
> >     @new_date = @new_date >> mth
> >   end
> >   #Day calculation
> >   if day != 0
> >     @new_date = @new_date.+(day)
> >   end
> >   #Year calculation
> >   if yr != 0
> >     @new_date = @new_date >> yr * 12
> >   end
> >   #Returns new date
> >   return @new_date
> > end
> > @new_date = date_add(2,3,4)
> > puts @new_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
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