I think you've misunderstood some comments that I made.

Someone pointed out that the WatirLogger was in Watir but not in 
FireWatir. In response, I suggest that instead of putting it in both, we 
remove it. Here is the code in question:

  class WatirLogger < Logger
    def initialize(filName, logsToKeep, maxLogSize)
      super(filName, logsToKeep, maxLogSize)
      self.level = Logger::DEBUG
      self.datetime_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"
      self.debug("Watir starting")

My point was that it is vestigial. The Watir browser drivers don't use it.

My view is that this should be treated as example framework code, not as 
part of Watir. To me, this is just an example of how to use the Logger 
class and in fact obscures the fact that it is really a fully featured 
logger by making you think it is a special Watir logger.

I agree that logging is an important part of a testing framework. But 
Watir isn't a framework. It is just a browser driver.

Can you clarify what you mean by "a generic logger embedded in Watir"? 
To me what we have right now is "a generic logger embedded in Ruby that 
is made to look like it is part of Watir but really isn't".  Are you 
suggesting that you'd like to see it truly embedded in Watir?

I do think there is a need for a standard testing framework for Watir 
that includes logging. But i see that as a completely different question.


Alister Scott wrote:
> There has been some discussion lately about whether to continue to
> include any logging functionality in the Watir library.
> I understand that it's not really a core part of Watir functionality,
> but IMO I believe it may be useful to Watir users.
> If you were new to Watir and you compared it to commercial offerings
> (QTP/WR/RFT etc.), then you would quickly find that all the commercial
> tools have a logger in built.
> If a newbie picked up Watir if would be nice if they could just turn
> logging on (or off).
> I am interested in the thoughts of the community surrounding the
> usefulness of a generic logger embedded in Watir.
> Cheers,
> Alister
> >

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