Problem: We have a wizard-like application that I have built a Watir
and Rasta-based test framework around. A number of the steps in this
application contain dynamic forms...meaning, the form changes quite
drastically and with many new options being included or dropped
depending on the test case. I have been handling this with methods
using conditional tests for existence, to wit:

if  [object on page].exist?
        [object on page].set

if  [object on page].exist?
        [object on page].select("foo")


I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this. Perhaps by
defining the page itself in a case statement like:

case [page] # maybe something like page = $ie.text with $ie being my
browser object
     [object on page].exist?: [object on page].set
     [object on page].exist?: [object on page].select("foo")


Any thoughts?
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