Hello Bill,
Thank you for your quick reply.
And Thank you once again, as your suggestion works great.

I may have to work on how to deal with invalid lines in the CSV file
in the future. But this works for the moment.

Thank you

On Jan 8, 3:16 pm, "Bill Agee" <billa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The csv module should be able to do what you need, without much fuss:
> require 'csv'
> array = []
> CSV::Reader.parse(File.open('foo.csv')) { |row| array << row[1] }
> That snippet will open 'foo.csv', and for each row, push the second
> column's value onto the array.  Note that if you need to deal with
> lines that are commented, empty, or otherwise invalid, a little more
> work would be needed to handle those situations.
> More info:
> http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/csv/rdoc/index.html(Click on
> the CSV::Reader class for applicable docs)
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Margam <nk.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I am trying to get data from a particular column (second in my case)
> > of an CSV file and store it into an array. And then use the array
> > elements within my script
> > Curerntly my script(below) uses the "datahandler.rb"
> > ---------------
> > require 'watir'
> > require 'watir/datahandler'
> > require "test/unit"
> > #Get Data from the CSV file and store in variables. CSV file is in the
> > same folder as the script
> > d = DataHandler.new("gmail.csv")
> > $dataarray=[] #Creating an empty array
> > #storing each value from the CSV file to the array elements. Note:
> > "Value" is the header of the second column in the CSV file.
> > $dataarray[0]=d.data[0].Value
> > $dataarray[1]=d.data[1].Value
> > $dataarray[2]=d.data[2].Value
> > $dataarray[3]=d.data[3].Value
> > ...
> > #rest of script, where the array element are used.
> > -------------------
> > The above approach works. But I don't want to manually enter each
> > value from the file into each array element.
> > Is there an easier and better (shorter) way to achieve this?
> > Please help.
> > Thank you
> > Margam
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