anyone have any idea why this isnt working? (or should I be making a
new topic for this?)

for x in 0..2 do
                  for y in 0..9 do
                      numstring = x.to_s + y.to_s
                      puts numstring
                      if (browser.span(:id,
("rptCourses_ctl00_rptItems_ctl" + numstring +
"_lblItemTxtTitle")).text) then
                          var = browser.span(:id,
("rptCourses_ctl00_rptItems_ctl" + numstring +

in theory (assuming 2 books on the page) when it reaches the 3rd book
the if will evaluate as false and the var = statement never gets
Im getting the first 2 books returning fine, then on the 3rd time
around puts numstring executes and then the program ends exit code 1
(it should go to the next page after uneventfully finishing the 2 for

The only thing I can think of is that its trying to call the above
with numstring = to 03, not finding it on the page and crashing.
however thats what the If is there to prevent. Any ideas or tips?

On Jan 4, 10:06 am, Bissquitt <> wrote:
> ok thank you all so much. I got the majority of the code working. This
> is what I have so far.
> while contLoop do colVal = worksheet.Cells(row, 'a').Value
>       if (colVal) then
>           browser.goto("
> src=2&type=2&stoid=9&trm=Spring%2009&cid=" + colVal)
>                   var = browser.span(:id, /
> rptCourses_ctl00_rptItems_ctl\d\d_lblItemTxtTitle/).text
>                   worksheet.Cells(row, 'b').value = var
>       else
>           contLoop = false
>       end
>       row +=  1
>       sleep 1
> end
> Do you know of an easy way to itterate through each span that watches
> the above regex and only ones that match or do I need to go through
> all and parse each individualy?
> I was trying something like this but i couldnt get it to work. (are
> span and spans the same? I only saw documentation for spans)
>                    browser.spans.each(:id, /
> rptCourses_ctl00_rptItems_ctl\d\d_lblItemTxtTitle/).text
> if that can't be done I guess I will just be storing each span into a
> string, look for the regex and go to next.
> Thanks again guys
> On Jan 3, 3:41 pm, "Charley Baker" <> wrote:
> > It can be a bit overwhelming to learn Ruby and various libraries at the same
> > time. I'd recommend taking a look at the Pickaxe 
> > book: just to get some general
> > familiarity. There are other Ruby tutorials online as well as some good
> > books - The Ruby Way, Everyday Scripting, OReilly's Ruby book.
> > succ! as you mention below is a Ruby core method. Gotapi also has a good
> > searchable reference to Ruby standard api. click
> > on the Ruby Standard Packages. The pickaxe book from the link above also has
> > an index of the core api, many with examples.
> > Here's a link to the Watir rdocs in case you might find that 
> > useful. link to supported elements(though
> > openqa is down right 
> > now):
> > Strange that the hpricot site is down now as well.
> > Another useful way to learn how to use libraries in Ruby is by taking a look
> > at their unit tests. Watir has a large number of unit tests, hpricot has
> > some too. They're located under your ruby install directory in gems.
> > Ruby comes with a few documentation systems: ri and rdoc. For the gems you
> > have installed locally you can see all of the rdocs by going to the command
> > line, type:
> > gem server
> > Then browse tohttp://localhost:8808
> > ri can also be used from the command line:
> > ri String::succ!
> > Additional responses inline:
> > On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Bissquitt <> wrote:
> > > Regarding documentation, I read the Tutorial all the way through but
> > > it only hit on a few specific examples leaving out other commands all
> > > together. I've visited MANY ruby and watir sites and never once saw
> > > the .span command (does it just search for <span> tags? guess ill
> > > google it after this post) I never even found a site listing all the
> > > watir commands ( as an
> > > example. In addition there are SO MANY tutorials and such online that
> > > are all very poorly done it makes finding a good one via google a
> > > needle in a haystack scenario. ie (oh great, you showed me that
> > > specific command, but showed me nothing about how that command works
> > > so unless I want to use it exactly the way you used it, its useless).
> > > My example here is the "ruby on windows" site. If I google for
> > > anything regarding ruby and excel I either get that site, or another
> > > site that just provides me a link to that site and am forced to make
> > > due with that site in order to teach myself how to interact with
> > > excel. The site itself lists a BUNCH of examples but leaves it up to
> > > you to try and pick apart the syntax to understand what it is doing.
> > > For example:
> > > line = '1'
> > > while worksheet.Range("a#{line}")['Value']
> > >   line.succ!
> > > end
> > > #line now holds row number of first empty row
> > > What on earth does .succ! do? It never tells me. The site, and most
> > > that ive seen, are written not to target new people and tutor them but
> > > to target advanced users with a more "so heres a cool way to approach
> > > the problem" approach. A simple "ok, here is the the excel class, here
> > > are the comands in it and what they do, here is a syntax example"
> > > would be far more helpful as it doesn't leave anything out. I'm still
> > > not sure if its possible to return what row the active cell is on.
> > Excel is a strange one. :) Agreed that most sites assume a basic familiarity
> > with Ruby, and with the links above you should be able to get into it fairly
> > quickly. Accessing Excel is done through it's COM interface, so one of the
> > best sources of documentation is actually the Excel VBA Microsoft help file.
> > There's a link to the standalone version of it somewhere on the internets if
> > you don't have it installed. There are some excel libraries on our wiki as
> > well as a project on Rubyforge called Rasta which use Excel. You can browse
> > through the source code for those.
> > > ...Which is when I decided to ask actual people and ended up here.
> > > (thanks again btw)
> > > ...After that long winded response, I was trying to using Watir to
> > > scrape the page because I was having issues with the the javascript
> > > not being executed before the scrape (when i did it in php) and
> > > figured that a driven web brower would be sure to get it...hence
> > > watir.
> > Yep, makes sense. Watir is great at testing heavy js sites, ajaxy stuff and
> > the generated DOM instead of the page source.
> > > The reason my example was not using watir is because I was unable to
> > > find any documentation on how to do what I needed. I saw the
> > > browser.links and browser.table but those were the only 2 I found,
> > > there was no, "here is a list of the commands" as I mentioned above.
> > > Consiquently I found even less on hpricot since all I get is a 404 on
> > > its main site, and every other site links to it so wether or not it
> > > was documented is irrelevent, all I have to work with is trying to
> > > piece together other peoples code and work with it.
> > > I don't quite follow your first example since I am barely familiar
> > > with ruby syntax (though it appears to be similar to java) what is the
> > > |s| ?
> >  browser.spans.each {|s| puts s.text}
> > Ruby is different than Java, C++ and some other languages in this respect,
> > Ruby uses internal iterators instead of the external iterators used in Java.
> > So in this example, spans is a collection of spans on the page, similar
> > collections exist for other html elements - divs, links, lis, etc. The
> > collection is enumerable with each. each takes a block (surrounded by curly
> > braces or do...end), iterates through each item and passes it to |s| in this
> > case. So for each span it sends it in, assigns it to the local variable s,
> > and then you can do what you want with each one.
> > > Your second example seems to be much closer to what I need since there
> > > are MANY spans on the page but only a handfull matching the regexp
> > > pattern I gave above.
> > > Would you be able to break down the second example for me?
> > > var = browser.span(:id, /ctl/).text
> > > I know:
> > > var is the variable being stored into
> > > browser is the watir browser object being driven
> > > I'm guessing span just looks for span tags?
> > > I'm also guessing that (:id, /ctl/) looks for any span tag with an id
> > > matching /ctl/ ? (this is where im not following you as much)
> > > what does the : in your example do? what exactly is the second
> > > argument doing, what are the slashes?
> > > and what does the .text at the end do?
> > Sure, the basic syntax for elements in Watir is browser.html_element(:how,
> > what)
> > In this case that breaks down to
> > - call the span method on browser
> > - how - we want to find an element by it's id attribute so we use a symbol
> > denoted by : to specify id - :id   symbols are essentially lightweight
> > Strings, think of it as a pointer to a string rather than creating a new
> > string in some memory space, :symbol points to that one string during the
> > entire program execution (if that doesn't make sense then accept it on faith
> > for now :) )
> > - what - since we're looking for an id, it's generally a string or a regex.
> > 'foo' would be a string, therefore finding a span that has an id of 'foo',
> > the slashes in this case create a regex, so find a span with ctl in it's id
> > (the first one matching will be returned). // in Ruby creates a regular
> > expression object. You can see this by typing //.class in irb.
> > > Sorry for being rather dense but I have barely delt with web
> > > programming before. I've spent my life doing C++, Java, and BASIC so
> > > I'm pretty much trying to stumble into a final product as gracefully
> > > as I can.
> > > Michael
> > No worries. I came to Ruby from C/C++, Java, perl, php, etc. The basics
> > should be easy to learn, the power of some of its features will take some
> > time to sink in. Hopefully some of this helps.
> > > On Jan 3, 12:37 pm, "Charley Baker" <> wrote:
> > > > Hi there,
> > > >   I'm not sure what you mean by Ruby and Watir being poorly documented.
> > > For
> > > > Ruby, the first edition of the Pickaxe book which is comprehensive is
> > > free
> > > > and available online. There are dozens of other tutorials, sites and
> > > blogs
> > > > about Ruby. Watir also has a lot of examples, a tutorial(
> > > and other information on the
> > > > wiki, if there's something you feel is missing, don't hesitate to 
> > > > suggest
> > > it
> > > > or add it yourself.
> > > >  
> ...
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