Hello all,

I've been attempting to integrate my scripts using FireWatir and
Watir, and am having a difficult time with accessing global variables.
Here is a working script you can try:

Basically, the first variable file I'm using is this (startup.rb):
require 'watir'
Watir::Browser.default = 'firefox'
$ie = Watir::Browser.new
$site = "http://www.google.com";
$search_criteria = "goonies"

$ie.goto $site

Here is a second variable file I'm using: (global_controls.rb):
require 'watir'

$search_field = $ie.text_field(:name, "q")
$search = $ie.button(:name, "btnG")
$lucky = $ie.button(:name, "btnI")

$back_to_search = $ie.image(:src, "/images/nav_logo3.png")

The script file goes like this (search.rb):
require 'watir'
require 'startup'
require 'global_controls'

# run the search
$search_field.set $search_criteria

# go back to the Google home page

# attempt to run another search
$search_field.set "goonies 2"  # <--- ** This is where it isn't
working! **
$search.click # <-- ** This isn't working either... **


It's when I attempt to go back to the home page and run another search
that nothing happens. I don't even get an error message. Clearly, I
must be doing something wrong. I also tried the attach method but no

Any help would be most appreciated, thanks!

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