Bret, I suspected the JSSH plugin might be to blame but don't know
anything about its' internal workings. Does anyone know if it is
possible to get it to accept UTF-8 encoding? Is anyone here able to
work with unicode input in Firefox?

Michael, the problems are with two byte Japanese characters but also
with any special characters in western languages that require unicode
support, such as accented characters - e.g. the "ä" in the German
string "Männlich". With Japanese, I can't work with the system at all,
as the HTML for most elements will look like this:

<select id="CQ_life--5B1--5D--2FGENDER"
  <option value="NOTSELECTED">回答を選択してください</option>
    <option value="1">男性</option>
    <option value="2" >女性</option>

Now in the above example, you could argue that I could always use the
value number, like so:

@browser.select_list(:id, /[\w\d_-]+GENDER/).select_value("1")

And yes, this would work, but I need to be able to use the visible
text as well, like:

@browser.select_list(:id, /[\w\d_-]+GENDER/).select(/男性/)

And this only works in IE for me... Even if I adapt my scripts to use
the number values in select lists, I still have no way to input
Japanese characters into text fields or do assertions on Japanese text
read from labels and other elements. I would imagine there's a way to
get FireWatir to fully work with pages containing unicode elements but
I am stumped as to how to do so?



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