I ran into an scenario where an 'onmouseover' event was required
before clicking:

     @browser.link(:id, 'link_id').fire_event('onmouseover')
     @browser.link(:id, 'link_id').click

On Mar 12, 3:54 pm, Jim Matthews <jim_m...@swbell.net> wrote:
> Have any of you run into this problem before?
> You have to click a button or link or image twice to get it to take
> effect?
> I actually have run into this problem some in manual testing and
> usually with an image.  The first time I click it, nothing happens.
> The second time I click it takes me where it should have gone with the
> first click.
> I am seeing this with an automated test.  It was running against one
> server without a problem.  I started having problems when I ran the
> same test, on the same computer, from the same IE version but against
> a different server.
> After some experimenting, it appears that if I specify clicking the
> link twice in a row it works.
> Have any of you run into this problem and more importantly, do you
> know what might be causing it and how to fix it?
> Jim

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