cell = ie.cell(:xpath, "//td[contains(., 'Sales')]/")

- Angrez

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Shylaja <> wrote:

> Hi
>  Iam trying to access the table cell through XPath wiht the following
> expression
> cell =, "//td[contains(., 'Sales')]/") and get the
> following error
> undefined method `td' for #<Watir::IE:0x3b94b84> (NoMethodError)
> Alternately if i change the expression as
> cell = ie.element_by_xpath("//td[contains(text(), 'All
> SalesOrders')]/") i always get a return value as NIL.
> Is there a way to check if the xpath expression is correct?
> >

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