This code is not working am getting error like this:
 undefined method `clear' for #<Watir::SelectList:0x415b4f0> (NoMethodError)

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 5:16 PM, wesley chen <> wrote:

> Will you try:
> ie.select_list(:name,"inspectionStatus").clear
> ie.select_list(:name,"inspectionStatus").set("Partial")
> Thanks.
> Wesley Chen.
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Shweta <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a selection box in my application and its having scroll down
>> option with this by default one item will be selectd in that,manually
>> if i am selecting other item the default one will be deselcted and
>> recent one will get selected but when i am running a script in watir
>> it behaves as control i mean its selecting both the default one and
>> selected one i have written code like this:
>> ie.select_list(:name,"inspectionStatus").set("Partial")
>> the default one will be "All" from the list box
>> when i am running this line of code i should be able to get only
>> partial status inspections/records but am getting both types of
>> records.What might be the problem?
>> Can anyone pls let me know?
> >

Thanks & Regards,
 Nagmani V.M.

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