All -

I upgraded some of my environment today to the latest version of rspec, which 
is 1.2.  Since I was just doing 'gem install rspec' I automatically got the 
latest version.  I should have paid more attention to the large 
announcement/warning when updating which admonishes you to check out the 
Upgrade.rdoc and History.rdoc files.

Even though I quickly scanned this, it wasn't immediately clear that I needed 
to put: require 'spec/autorun' in my requires.  I could not get SciTE to run my 
script after upgrading.  You may use something different to run your tests, but 
it may need 'spec/autorun' as well.  The message in the Upgrade.rdoc says:

"If you use the ruby command to run specs instead of the spec command, you'll 
need to require 'spec/autorun' or they won't run. This won't affect you if you 
use the spec command or the 
 that ships with RSpec."

There's more things that have changed in this release so you may want to take a 
look for yourself:  I did get my tests 
to run just fine on rspec 1.2 after upgrading.


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