I have tried this code but it gives error for document function. as--

LE.rb:7:in `method_missing': Document (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
    OLE error code:80004005 in <Unknown>
      <No Description>
    HRESULT error code:0x80020009
      Exception occurred.       from OLE.rb:7
>Exit code: 1

On Mar 26, 11:35 am, Vikas Tulashyam <vtulash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I want to create a method by which I can perform any operation on a
> object by just passing the identifier of that object. In Watir , we
> need to call specific methods for calling a particular object as-->
> ie.text_filed(:id, 'Text1').set('Test')
> So, Can I impelment my method using win32OLE . e.g. -->
> require 'win32ole'
> ie = WIN32OLE.new('InternetExplorer.Application')
> ie.visible = true
> ie.navigate("http://www.google.com";)
> ie.document.all["q"].value = "pickaxe"
> ie.document.all["btnG"].click
> Is this a good way to create a function which performs an operation on
> all object types by just passing identifier as -->
> def click(sObjectId)
> ie.document.all[sObjectId].click
> end
> Please reply. I will be thankful for your cooperation.
> Thanks
> Vikas
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