I opened Jira ticket #WTR-301 to address the problem.  I'll look over
the wiki information again and see what I can do to help clarify the
steps to get up and running until the problem is addressed in a future
gem release/install.  The present wiki information seems to be really
geared towards developers, which is a big turn-off for me. ;)

Cheers.  Paul C.

(BTW, I apologised to Al off-list for my prior post.  I didn't mean to
harsh on him.. I was just frustrated at the time I spent trying to
resolve the problem when the only advice I could find on the wiki said
that I need to "Get the source code and unit tests from SVN."  To me,
asking a tester to install development tools to retrieve development
source to make something work just seems like the wrong way to go, you
know?  Ah well, such is life sometimes in the Open Source world. ;)
Keep moving forward.)

On Apr 6, 11:27 am, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> Could you update the wiki with this information please?
> Bret

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