Don't do that. Use regular expressions instead, something like this:
system("rubyw -e \"require 'win32ole';
('AutoItX3.Control'); waitresu...@autoit.winwait '[REGEXPTITLE:Choose
(f|F)ile( to Upload)?]', '', 15; sleep 1; if waitresult == 1\" -e
\"@autoit.ControlSetText '[REGEXPTITLE:Choose (f|F)ile( to Upload)?]',
'', 'Edit1', '#{setPath}'; @autoit.ControlSend '[REGEXPTITLE:Choose (f|
F)ile( to Upload)?]', '', 'Button2', '{ENTER}';\" -e \"end\"")

You also had one typo on your fix, where it was written "Chose"
instead of "Choose"

Anyway, I am using the code above and it is working with IE6, IE7 and
IE8 successfully.


On Mar 31, 1:36 pm, Željko Filipin <>
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 00:12, Paul Rogers <> wrote:
> > some one on irc wanted to get the browser and os versions.
> I could also use browser version for my "Fixed file uploads for IE8" patch
> (not compatible with IE6 and IE7):
> If I get the time these days I will add browser_version to watir and make my
> fix compatible with all IE versions.
> Željko
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