I know, yet another issue with pop ups regarding watir. Let me start
by saying I've been using watir for the past 4 years and love it. That
is, until our developers got cute and started using Ajax jQuery
javascript to confirm if a user really wanted to delete something.

We have a regular javascript pop up in our application which I was
successfully able to handle thanks to the many posts in this forum,
but for the life of me I can't get this Ajax pop up to work.

To start, what I have working:

The call I am using to produce the regular javascript pop up is:
$ie.link(:text , "Go").click!
I then call the following method:
def startClicker( browser, button , waitTime= 10)
  # get a handle if one exists
  puts "in Start Clicker"
  Timeout::timeout(2) do
    hwnd = browser.enabled_popup(waitTime)
    if (hwnd)  # yes there is a popup
      puts "there is a pop up"
      w = WinClicker.new
      # "OK" or whatever the name on the button is
      w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd( hwnd, "#{button}" )
      # this is just cleanup
      puts "there is no pop up"

Which is successful. Yay, a success story :) Now the fun.

The following is what I call to produce the Ajax Confirm Deletion pop
$ie.link(:title, "Delete watir").click!

I have tried startClicker($ie, "OK") and get the following error:
Timeout::Error: execution expired
    c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:54:in `sleep'

I have also tried autoit with the following:
def autoitStartClicker()
  puts "in autoitStartClicker"
  autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')
  autoit.WinWait('Confirm Deletion', '', 5)
  autoit.ControlClick("Confirm Deletion", "", "[CLASS:Button;

and got no errors and no results either. When doing these steps in
IRB, I get:
irb(main):011:0> ie.link(:title, "Delete watir").click!
=> ""
irb(main):012:0> autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')
=> #<WIN32OLE:0x45d05f8>
irb(main):013:0> autoit.WinWait('Confirm Deletion', '', 5)
=> 0
irb(main):014:0> autoit.ControlClick("Confirm Deletion", "",
"[CLASS:Button; TEXT:OK]")
=> 0
so it is able to create the win32ole autoit object, but it can't seem
to find my Confirm Deletion pop up, hence =>0. Which is even more
evident from:
irb(main):015:0> autoit.WinActivate('Confirm Deletion')
=> nil

I also tried to attach to the pop up as if it were another window:
irb(main):016:0> pop_up = Watir::IE.attach(:title, 'Confirm Deletion')
Watir::Exception::NoMatchingWindowFoundException: Unable to locate a
window with
 title of Confirm Deletion

Then I tried the following (which mentions it is suppose to start some
Ajax stuff):
irb(main):018:0* ie.link(:url, %r|ConfirmDeletion|).click
Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate element,
using :url,

The javascript code used to delete the entity is:

$(document).ready(function() {

                return false;

function deleteButton(button) {
        jConfirm('Do you really want to delete?', 'Confirm Deletion', function
(r) {
            if (r == true) {
                button.find("img").hide().attr("src", "images/
processing.gif").fadeIn("slow", function() {

function doDelete(button) {
                type: "POST",
                url: button.attr("href"),
                success: function(msg) {
                        var row = button.parent().parent();
                        if (msg == 1) {
                                $(".stripey tr").removeClass("odd");
                                $(".stripey tr:odd").addClass("odd");

                                if(button.hasClass("reloadAfterDelete")) {
                        } else {
row.find("td:first").addClass("errorTxt").prepend("This item is in
use and cannot be deleted.<br />");

I have discussed this issue with my developers and we are all hoping
we can find a way for watir to handle this so they don't have to
modify their code. We are just now at the stage where we are getting
our watir scripts to run with cruise control for nightly tests, but
without being able to click OK on this Confirm Deletion pop up, some
assert tests are failing.

I hope I've offered enough information here to get some discussion,
but if you have any questions on specifics, please ask.

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