found myself via the Watir WebRecorder out the the right line is:

ie.frame(:index, 53).image(:index, 4).click

- so okay with
ie.show_frames { |t| puts t.to_s }
 i can identify the frame 53 but how i can see the image index?

On 27 Apr., 12:35, Alexander Fedtke <>
> Thanks for tip i got the result.
> I just created a new user under windows and i qorks - strange so now i am
> using another user and the script works.
> But now i have the problem using the login button ( go button)
> i try as  src:
> # the Watir controller
> require "watir"
> # set a variable
> test_site = "";
> # open the IE browser
> ie =
> # print some comments
> puts "Beginning of test: Google search."
> puts " Step 1: go to the test site: " + test_site
> ie.goto test_site
> puts " Step 2.1: enter 'login=testauto' in the  text field."
> ie.frame(:name, "frmEngineLogin").text_field(:id, "inputUid").set "testauto"
> puts " Step 2.2: enter Password=123456."
> ie.frame(:name, "frmEngineLogin").text_field(:id, "inputPwd").set "123456"
> puts " Step 3: Press Login Button "
> ie.frame(:name, "frmEngineLogin").button(:src, /go/).click
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> i try as with the title
> ie.frame(:name, "frmEngineLogin").button(:title, "Login").click
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Also not working-... any idea what i missing?
> Via the ie developers toolbar is see that it is the same frame as username
> and password. So what is missing?
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