hey basu, did you ever figure out this issue?
I'm trying to do essentially the same thing (work with an embedded IE
I found the function __IEControlGetObjFromHWND
from the IE.au3
Of course, this is not built into the binary for autoit so I can't use
that. It looks (kind of) like you tried to implement that in ruby.
Unfortunately its pretty complicated for a OLE/COM newbie like me.  It
seems like there should be an easier way though but I have yet to
come up with anything.
Let me know if you've figured it out.

On Mar 2, 1:13 am, basu <bas.go...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i tried getting the automation object of the embedded browser but no
> success, i not able to figure out the issue, could some give inputs on
> this please ?
> (There is an function defined in IE.au3 (autoitv3 UDF) to get the IE
> object from the IE handle, i tried re writting the same function in
> ruby)
> Code tried ..
> # Start winamp player
>  .......
> require 'Win32API'
> Win32API.new("ole32", "CoInitialize", ['P'] , 'I').call(0)
> reg_msg = Win32API.new("user32", "RegisterWindowMessage", ['P'] ,
> 'I').call("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
> puts reg_msg
> # "Main Window" is title of winamp player
> # "Internet Explorer_Server1" is a IE control embedded in the player
> hnd = @@autoit.ControlGetHandle("Main Window", "", "Internet
> Explorer_Server1")
> puts hnd
> result=" "*16
> aInt = [0xA7, 0x31, 0x0, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x8, 0x26, 0x37].pack 'I*'
> a = [0x626FC520, 0xA41E, 0x11CF, aInt].pack 'IIIP'
> sendMessagetimeout = Win32API.new("user32", "SendMessageTimeout",
> ['L','I','I','I','I','I','P'] , 'L')
> sendMessagetimeout.call(hnd.hex, reg_msg, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,
> 1000, result)
> puts result.unpack("L")
> idisp=0
> oIE = Win32API.new("oleacc", "ObjectFromLresult", ['P', 'P','I','P'] ,
> 'L')
> oIE.call(result, a, 0, idisp)
> # returning zero
> puts idisp.unpack("L")
> Thanks in advance !
> On Feb 24, 10:40 am, basu <bas.go...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I want to know whether the attach() method supports access to the
> > browser embedded in a windows applications (Ex: Internet
> > Explorer_Server1 control embedded in the winamp player) , if not could
> > some one provide me the inputs on how to achieve this
> > Thanks,Basu

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