I would convert your wildcard string to a regular expression and then 
use that for the comparison.


Moochie wrote:
> If I have a cell with the following (05-07-2009 09:00 AM)) and I only
> want to validate the Date and AM or PM, we use wildcards to represent
> the data we doen't want to compare.  Using the following function.
> excel_value = 05-07-2009 ***** AM
> object_text = 05-07-2009 09:00 AM
> def format_object_text_when_wildcards_exist(excel_value,object_text)
>   wildcard_str = ""
>   index = 1
>   excel_value.to_s.each_char {|x|
>     if x == '*'
>       wildcard_str = wildcard_str+","+
> index.to_s
>     end
>     index = index + 1
>   }
>   #Remove first chacter and splits string
>   wildcard_str = wildcard_str[1..-1].split(',')
>   #Replace wild cards from the object text
>   index = 1
>   z = 0
>   value = ""
>   object_text.to_s.each_char {|y|
>     if index == wildcard_str[z].to_i
>       value = value + "*"
>       z = z +1
>     else
>       value = value + y
>     end
>     index = index + 1
>   }
>   return value
> end
> #Call the function
> cell_value = format_object_text_when_wildcards_exist
> (excel_value,object_text)
> if cell_value = excel_value
>   puts "Pass"
> else
>   puts "Fail"
> end
> Is there a better way to do this? or a method that uses less lines of
> code, please post.
> Thanks,
> >

Bret Pettichord
CTO, WatirCraft LLC, www.watircraft.com
Lead Developer, Watir, www.watir.com
Blog, www.io.com/~wazmo/blog
Twitter, www.twitter.com/bpettichord

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