Hey, I just now installed "1.8.6-26 Final Release". "click_no_wait"
worked like charm with this version.

"click_no_wait" does not work with "1.8.6-27"

I wasted one week on this issue. :))


On May 19, 9:53 am, satish <spanchumar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was able to click as long as I do not use "click" method to open
> popup. (I manually clicked on icon to open popup after that my popup
> funciton took care of clicking on "Yes" button.
> My problem is since we can only use click_no_wait button to work with
> popup clicking methods and click_no_wait does not work here for me
> does any one have solution for my problem?
> I sent my web page in mht format to one of the group member here. Its
> surprising that is he able to see popup when he does click_no_wait.
> Can any one shed some light here.
> Thanks
> Satish.
> On May 19, 5:50 am, Carlc75 <carl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > the method we use is a combination of Ruby and Autoit where we write
> > the contents of the popup to stdout.
> > Ruby script:
> > # Creates a process that, after a given timeout,
> > # kills an internet explorer message window and returns the result.
> > #
> > # The success of this class is dependent on the presence of a
> > compiled
> > # autoit script called popup_handler.exe, placed in the current ruby
> > directory.
> > #
> > # Throwing a popup handler covers any popups for the next delay
> > seconds -
> > # upon the script closing a popup the catchPopupHandler method will
> > # return its stdout creations
> > #
> > class PopupHandler
> >   #
> >   # The process and stdout file pointer to grab input from
> >   #
> >   $fhi
> >   #
> >   # Throws a process that catches internet explorer alert box
> > contents.
> >   # This, by default, seeks internet explorer 7 window titles.
> >   # To change to ie6 override the optional arguments
> >   #
> >   def PopupHandler.throwPopupHandler(delay = 5, windowTitle = "Windows
> > Internet Explorer")
> >     $fhi = IO.popen("./popup_handler.exe " + (delay*1000).to_s + " \""
> > + windowTitle + "\" &")
> >   end
> >   #
> >   #Returns message or "" if the exe failed to find a window of the
> > given name.
> >   #
> >   def PopupHandler.catchPopupHandler
> >     message = ""
> >     while (line = $fhi.gets)
> >       if(message == "")
> >         message = line.to_s
> >       else
> >         message = message + "\n" + line.to_s
> >       end
> >     end
> >     return message
> >   end
> > end
> > Autoit Script:
> > $retry_time = 200
> > $loops = ($CmdLine[1] / $retry_time)
> > $iterator = 0
> > $waiting = 1
> > while($iterator < $loops AND $waiting == 1)
> >         sleep($retry_time)
> >         $iterator += 1;
> >         If(WinExists ( $CmdLine[2] )) Then
> >                 WinActivate($CmdLine[2])
> >                 $message = ControlGetText($CmdLine[2], '', 65535)
> >                 ControlClick($CmdLine[2],'', 2)
> >                 ConsoleWrite($message)
> >                 $waiting = 0
> >         EndIf
> > wend
> > On May 14, 10:35 pm, satish <spanchumar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Can you some one give me an idea how to work with popups.
> > > Here is my requirement.
> > > -----------------------------------------
> > > When I click on "Save" image icon on the IE browser, according to data
> > > validation rules I will get a warning popup box.
> > > I will have to validate the warning message on the popup box whether
> > > it is correct or not and then needs to respond by click on "OK"
> > > button.
> > > Can some one give me an idea around this. I am very new to Watir.
> > > Appreciate your help.
> > > ========================================================
> > > Here I tried this....but did not work..
> > > ==============================
> > > require "watir"
> > > require "win32ole"
> > > require "watir/contrib/enabled_popup"
> > > ie.image(:id,
> > > 'ctl00_contentChildWindow_secUserDetails_ctl02_menu_secUserDetails_DXI0_Img­­').click
> > > hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(5)
> > > if (hwnd)  #yeah! a popup
> > >   popup = WinClicker.new
> > >   popup.makeWindowActive(hwnd)
> > >   popup.clickWindowsButton("Windows Internet Explorer", "OK", "30")
> > > end
> > > =======================================================>ruby 
> > > Phone_Mask_Test.rb
> > > C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/contrib/
> > > enabled_popup.rb:5: uninitialized constant Watir::PageContainer::Win32
> > > (NameError)
> > >         from 
> > > C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
> > > `gem_original_require'
> > >         from 
> > > C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
> > > `require'
> > >         from Phone_Mask_Test.rb:4
> > > >Exit code: 1
> > > Thank you,
> > > Satish- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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