There have been a number of threads here in the last month or two
dealing with various aspects of automating websites based on code form
this company   (search the group for EXTJS and you will find them)

Not all of the threads end in success.   The webpage code that results
when using this company's products contains  large numbers of nested
objects all in the same spot on the page, and most of the events being
monitored by what objects is defined outside of the main page code.
This makes it extremely difficult for someone using a traditional tool
like the IE Developer Toolbar, or FireBug  to tell what objects are
responding to what events..  (onmouseover, onmousedown, etc).
Normally a tiny bit of perusing the code in one of those tools and you
will see 'oh that element there is setup to respond to a 'onMouseDown'
event" and you try firing that event at that element, and voila things
happen.  So far (at least for me) I've had no such luck with the EXTJS
code, and all that's made me do is be very very very happy that my
company isn't using it (lets hear it for jquery)

I would strongly recommend in this case seeking advice directly from
the EXTJS folks via their forums <>  because
while the folks here can tell you a lot about using Watir, and Ruby
and such, we don't know for example which of 2 or 6 overlapping
objects on the page are looking to have a onMouseDown event fired at
them in order to click a tab or table cell.  Nor what pre-conditions
are needed for that to 'take'.   The 'obvious' and 'normal' (like
simply clicking a link or button with the .click  method) apparently
need not apply where their stuff is concerned.

A few of us have even tried (with what free time we could afford to
investigate the issue) to play around with their sample pages on their
sites, and been stumped by something as simple as clicking a tab
control.  These are things that are not normally difficult, and most
of us easily handle automating similar tasks every day when testing
similar (but not based on EXTJS) controls on our employers websites.

If you do get some good answers  (in the form of perhaps say some
simple sample WATIR code to manipulate things on some of the EXTJS
sample pages, please post it back here so other folks who are stuck
trying to automate similar things can benefit from your experience.

On May 26, 12:14 am, Bhavesh <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to select the row under Grid which is anextjscode.
> When we have a grid, and want to select a "row" in the grid, for some
> reason we cannot select it. We have sent click events and it appears
> that we're getting the "right row" (watir highlights the row in the
> browser), but our app code doesnt get the event from ext-js.
> Can some one help me how can i click/select this row, so that i can go
> ahead.
> Any help is appriciated.
> Bhavesh
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