I was really bummed to hear about this too.

Congratulations on your new gig, Bret. I suspect you will continue to
contribute to the software dev and testing community in some way, as you
always have!

Thanks to Bret and Pete for all they have done to improve Watir, it sure
helped me and my team a ton. And thanks to all the other Watir contributors
and us users hope you will all stay involved!
-- Lisa

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Pete Dignan <p...@watircraft.com> wrote:

> Z* - sure, it's ok to ask.
> When Bret and I started WatirCraft, we believed there were things that
> needed to be
> done for open source Watir (like support for Firefox, and a standard
> framework), to
> make the tool more attractive to a broader group of users than the
> innovators and
> early adopters who were already using it.
> It took a while to do those things, and by the time they were done, we
> didn't have
> enough time/money to build a product, get it to market, and become
> cash flow
> positive. We changed our strategy and began to offer training and
> consulting services;
> but we were not able to find enough companies to buy these services
> (soon enough).
> We had made a decision early on not to raise VC or Angel investment in
> the business,
> which in hindsight might have been a good idea.  So, we ran out of
> money.
> I want to thank you, Z* the Watir Journalist, and Charley, and
> Alister, and all the
> many many members of the Watir community who welcomed me and
> encouraged
> us in trying to make a go of WatirCraft.  What an amazing, remarkable
> group of people!
> By the way - Bret and I are in the process of quickly shutting down
> all the bits and
> pieces that make up a company; so if anyone reading this is thinking
> "Wait! I would
> like to take over WatirCraft!" please contact us right away.
> Soon my WatirCraft email will be disabled, but if anyone wants to
> reach me, you can
> use pdignan at prototest dot com, or petedignan at gmail dot com.
> Thanks again to
> everyone for all your support, good ideas and encouragement.
> Pete
> On Jun 4, 6:37 am, Željko Filipin <zeljko.fili...@wa-research.ch>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 5:45 AM, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com>
> wrote:
> > > Pete Dignan and I have decided to shut down WatirCraft LLC.
> >
> > I am really sorry to hear that. Is it polite to ask why?
> >
> > > I will begin working full time for Convio in July.
> >
> > Good luck on your new job.
> >
> > Željko
> >

Lisa Crispin
Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)

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