OK, I tried working on this for sometime but I haven't come up with
anything that works.  I think my problem is that I am not familiar
with jssh command language and how it works.  maybe if I get some help
with one conversion I'll be able to do the rest on my own.

I have this field $Browser.text_field(:id,"part")

In the method I created it pretty much looks like this

fieldID = 'part'
styleID = 'left'
attribute  = $Browser.text_field
(:id,fieldID).document.currentstyle.send(styleID ) #(ruby's send works
awsome for thie)

"attibute" is equal to lefts value

So what I need to to figure out how to input the field ID and property
I'm looking for and have it return the correct value.  Thanks again
for all the help
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