why are you firing the 'ondblclick' method?

Normally if text in a cell is able to be clicked, it is because of one
of two things are happening

 1) the text is a link.  in which case just use the .click method on
the link element and it normally works

 2) a container in the cell such as a div, 'h-tag' (like h3), label
etc that holds the text  is defined to invoke some JavaScript when a
particular event happens (onMouseDown, onMouseUp, etc)    In that case
the easiest thing is generally to look at the HTML source for the
page, find the text in question, and start working your way out
through the elements that 'wrap' around the text looking for one that
is specifying some JavaScript function that will be called when a
given event happens..

Also as far as identifying the table itself..  ID values are always
assumed by watir to follow HTML standards, which is to say that they
are supposed to be UNIQUE on the page..  So using them in as part of a
multiple attribute definition is pretty much not supported, nor
encouraged.   In your example above if there is truely no other way to
identify the table other than index then you should just be doing
something like

browser.table(:index, 8)

If you can post the HTML from that portion of the page, it would
probably help to figure out what element is looking for what event

On Jun 12, 5:52 am, Shiran Gunarathna <gdshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having an issue with clicking on cell. This cell is located in a four
> nested tables which are not having unique properties like id or name. But
> these tables have properties like source index, inner text, inner HTML, etc.
> I was not able to read the text in this cell as well To overcome with this
> issue I used the following code. Here I guess the index.
> l_objFrame.table(:id =>"", :index =>8).row(:id,"Shiran
> Gunarathna").fire_event("ondblclick")
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