Thanks for the help.It solves my problem

On Jun 24, 2:56 pm, "Ye Jian" <> wrote:
> change $ie.button(:name, "submit_btn").click to $ie.button(:name, 
> "submit_btn").click_no_wait and try again.
> -Camael
> 发件人: Maumita
> 发送时间: 2009-06-24  17:50:06
> 收件人: Watir General
> 抄送:
> 主题: [wtr-general] Re: How to click on Ok of a pop-up message window
> Hi,
> I did the following changes but then also not bale to click on the OK
> button.
> Please suggest if I am wrong.
> IE version I was using is 6.So I did the following steps-
> 1> changed the title on the JS Alert box in WinClicker.rb file
>     IE6 = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
> 2> Made changes to the script
> require 'watir'
> include Watir
> def check_for_popups(title="Microsoft Internet Explorer", button="OK")
> {
>         ret=autoit.WinWait(title,"",60)
>         if (ret==1)
>             puts "There is popup."
>             autoit.WinActivate(title)
>             button.downcase!
>             if button.eql?("ok") || button.eql?("yes") || button.eql?
> ("continue")
>                 autoit.Send("{Enter}")
>             else
>                 autoit.Send("{tab}")
>                 autoit.Send("{Enter}")
>             end
>         elsif (ret==0)
>             puts "No popup"
>         end
>     }
>     at_exit { Thread.kill(popup) }
> end
> $ie =
> $ie.goto("http://localhost/new";)
> $ie.text_field(:name, "userName").set("user1")
> $ie.text_field(:name, "password").set("password")
> $ie.button(:value, "Login").click
> $, "Manage Products").click
> $, "Create Product").click
> $ie.text_field(:name, "productName").set('Test')
> $ie.text_field(:name, "description").set('Test1')
> $ie.button(:name, "submit_btn").click
> check_for_popups("Microsoft Internet Explorer", "OK")
> Thanks
> Maumita
> On Jun 23, 9:14爌m, orde <> wrote:
> > Check these pages out:
> >
> > orde
> > On Jun 23, 5:24燼m, Maumita <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am facing a problem.
> > > I had written a script that submit a form.Befor submitting the form,if
> > > any field entry is missing in the form then a java pop-up window
> > > appears.
> > > Windows title -Microsoft Internet Explorer
> > > Prompt Message - 'You have not selected an image.Do you want to
> > > continue'.
> > > This window has Ok and cancel button.
> > > when user clicks on Ok the form automatically gets submitted.
> > > I don't know how to click on the OK button when the pop up window
> > > appears.
> > > Please suggest me.
> > > Below is my script -
> > > require 'watir'
> > > require 'win32ole'
> > > include Watir
> > > ??$excel_path = "D:/Data/dportalTestScripts/Product.xlsx"
> > > ??$sheet_id ?= 1
> > > ??$excel ="excel.application")
> > > ??$excel['Visible'] = true;
> > > ??$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open $excel_path
> > > ??$worksheet = $workbook.WorkSheets($sheet_id)
> > > ??$worksheet.Select
> > > ie =
> > > #Navigate to dportal
> > > ie.goto("http://test/new";)
> > > ie.text_field(:name, "userName").set("")
> > > ie.text_field(:name, "password").set("")
> > > ie.button(:value, "Login").click
> > >, "Manage Products").click
> > >, "Create Product").click
> > > ???ie.text_field(:name, "productName").set $worksheet.Range("a#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.text_field(:name, "description").set $worksheet.Range("b#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.text_field(:name, "copyright").set $worksheet.Range("c#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.text_field(:name, 'releaseDate').value= $worksheet.Range("d#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???#ie.fileField(:name, "imageFile").set $worksheet.Range("f#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.select_list(:name, "vendor").select $worksheet.Range("e#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.select_list(:name, "instrument").select $worksheet.Range("f#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.select_list(:name, "cds").select $worksheet.Range("g#
> > > {i}").value
> > > ???ie.checkbox(:name, "isPublished").set
> > > ???ie.text_field(:name, "productCosts[0].cost").value=
> > > $worksheet.Range("h#{i}").value
> > > ???ie.button(:name, "submit_btn").click_no_wait
> > > 燭hanks
> > > Maumita
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