On Jul 10, 9:06 am, karim rayani <karim....@gmail.com> wrote:
> if one has knowledge of automation then learning watir should only
> take around 1 month.
> However if automation/programming background then it can take a fair bit of 
> time

I could not agree more.

A lot also has to do with aptitude.

Automation is a type of programming, some people have a nack for that,
others do not.  If you are someone to whom programming makes 'sense'
then you will probably pick things up quickly no matter the language
or tool.   A great book to help you learn some of the basic of
programming in RUBY is "Everyday Scripting with Ruby" by Brian Marick

Test automation is in many ways an art, there's a lot of tricks of the
trade as it were.  some of them you can find here and there in books
etc, but much of it is stuff you learn by doing.  little things like
always starting off a large batch of tests with both a test you expect
to pass, but also one that will intentionally FAIL, and making sure
that you in fact detect that it DID fail.. (so you know your stuff can
actually properly detect and report when something fails, because well
if that's broken then it can look like everthing is working, when in
fact main tests are failing and it's just not being properly

Web based testing also requires that you have at least a basic
understanding of both the HTTP protocol (at least understanding how
things pass back and forth between the browser and the server), and
the HTML language used for web-pages, and how it can call javascript
to enable dynamic functionality at the client side (which doesn't hit
the webserver in many cases).

Because watir interacts with the browser, you need to have at least a
basic understanding of what makes up a web page, and what the types of
elements on the page are etc.

But really it all depends on you, and your background, aptitude, and
experience.   Some people are going to be able to pick this stuff up
really quickly, for others it may take a lot longer, and for still
others it's time to find a different line or work.

I recently trained a co-worker who understands the basics of web
pages, and has tested for years, but had zero experience with
programming, or automation.  and in a week he was starting to write
watir automation on his own.  not terribly fast, and with a bunch of
questions, but he was producing tests..   (we utilize a combination of
Watir, the Watircraft framework, and Cucumber for our stuff)   a few
months down the road and he's still learning about stuff as needed,
but is largely able to work on his own, and a majority of the
questions are not 'how do I write the watir code for this" but more
related to how the actual tested app is supposed to behave, or details
of the user actions we are emulating.
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