Try click_no_wait instead of click.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Valeria <> wrote:

> May be its important to say that the windows are not modal
> 2009/8/4 Valeria <>
> Thanks a lot Smruti but I try use:
>> require 'watir/contrib/enabled_popup'
>> --------
>>    hwnd1 = $ie.enabled_popup(10)
>>     $, "the url").click
>>   --------
>> and I get this error message:
>> "Timed out after 10.5 seconds"
>> what can i do?
>> thks
>> valeria
>> pd.:  same error if I put:
>> $, "the url").click
>> hwnd1 = $ie.enabled_popup(10)
>> 2009/8/4 Smruti Ranjan Kar <>
>> Either use
>>> require 'watir/contrib/enabled_popup'
>>> and
>>> hwnd1 = browser.enabled_popup(5)
>>> Or use AutoITand WinGetHandle method
>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Vale <> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone Im new at ruby/watir and im trying to do a performance
>>>> test.
>>>> To do this I have to run a lot of script concurrently.
>>>> My problem is:
>>>> when I do
>>>>,"the url").click
>>>> this opens a pop up, but how do I now which pop up has open this
>>>> instance?
>>>> if I do
>>>> iePopUp = Watir::IE.attach(:title,"titulo de la pagina")
>>>> then iePopUp is attached to any of the pages opened concurrently and
>>>> sometimes two or more attach to the same!!
>>>> I've seen that I can use attach with hwnd, but how can  I know the
>>>> hwnd of the
>>>>,"the url").click ?
>>>> thanks a lot in advice!
>>>> valeria santini
>>>> Uruguay
> >

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