You can iterate through a table's rows with the .rows function. Using
this, we can find out where your row with the id "xyz" is and add one:

def nextRow(tbl,rowid)
   tbl.rows.each{ |r|
      return i+1 if("rowid")

That will return the index of the row after the row with id "rowid",
which you can then use like this:


Hope this helps!


On Aug 12, 2:59 pm, Steve Hamlett <> wrote:
> I need to read contents from a row that does not have an id.  That is,
> the HTML tag that designates the row is just <TR>.  Therefore, I can't
> address it directly.
> Is there a way to address it indirectly?
> It happens that the tag for the prior row does have an id, e.g. <TR
> id=xyz>.
> Is there a way to tell Watir to go to the row following the one with
> the id?
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