I am not able to handle modal dialog window controls when such a
window is opened from the page_load event on the server side code
(which launches a script included in the .aspx page). In more detail
(I have inspected the code) within the function page_load on the
server page (.cs) there is a line of code like this

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( GetType(), "MessaggeRule",
"OpenPopUpRule('"+ mode + "','" + idGrid"');", true);

then, the javascript function included in the .aspx page OpenPopUpRule
() call the method window.showModalDialog().

I think this scenario is not included in the page

In any case I have tried with send_keys() and Watir.autoit.Send() but
I am not still able to access these modal dialog window controls.

Thanks in advance for your help


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