Dear George,
    The privious trouble has alreadly been clear, I use the "Select Element by 
Click" functon to get the attribute.
But then a follow problem come in...
In my test page, the drop down list are all <div> which were created by JS. I 
used click() method to click the item, but nothing happened, then I use 
click_no_wait() method, but it did not work yet. 
At last, I use fire_event() method just as following, but it also did not work! 
menu.div(:text, 'Internal Control System').fire_event("onMouseOver")
menu.div(:text, 'Internal Control System').fire_event("onMouseDown")
menu.div(:text, 'Internal Control System').fire_event("onClick")
menu.div(:text, 'Internal Control System').fire_event("ondblclick")
menu.div(:text, 'Internal Control System').click_no_wait
Attached is the drop down list.

PS: Is there a method can operate a right click?


发件人: George
发送时间: 2009-08-28 04:20:26
收件人: Watir General
主题: [wtr-general] Re: How can I get the attribute in the attached?

What sort of information is the developer toolbar giving you?  Have
you tried using the :index attribute?

On Aug 26, 8:38 pm, "Eason"  < > wrote:
> Dear All,
>     Please view the image in the attached.
> I want to get the arrtibute of the item "Quality Management".
> The drop-down list is a div which is created by javascript, I try to use IE 
> devolep tool to get the attribute of the item, but I find that it is 
> impossible, when I use the tool onfocus  to the item, the item will 
> disappear, so I can not fetch the details of this item.
> Can anyone tell me how to get the attribute?
> Eason
> 2009-08-27
>  截图00.bmp
> 516KViewDownload

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<<attachment: 00.JPG>>

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