Ah, well, it wasn't quite a problem of user rights in the end.

It turns out that the method that Watir uses to enumerate IE windows
(i.e. Shell.Application) does not work across user spaces.  So I had
to write an intermediate application to retrieve the IWebBrowser2 COM
pointer for the IE window, and modify the 'eval_in_spawned_process'
Watir function to use this handle for 'pc = Watir::IE.bind

This now works fine. :)

On Sep 28, 12:34 pm, Bret Pettichord <bpettich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Shane,
> Thanks for the excellent description of the problems that occur when
> your tests run in an account that doesn't have the rights Watir needs.
> Bret
> On Sep 25, 11:54 am, Shane <hend...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Some Background on architecture of the app is needed:
> > Windows 2003/Apache-v2.2/IE7/Watir-v1.6.2/Ruby-v1.8.5
> >    1. Apache running under 'localsystem' account.
> >    2. Request to run a Watir script comes in.
> >    3. Apache CGI kicks off IE7 under a particular user, e.g. 'tester',
> > and attaches the IE7 window to the "default" desktop environment. This
> > allows us to VNC into the machine and see all IE7 windows from all the
> > accounts running.
> >    4. IE7 has ruby embedded into the process through plugin and
> > executes the ruby script in a thread.
> > For clicking on links/buttons in IE, Watir supplies a synchronous
> > 'click' method and async 'click_no_wait' method. 'click_no_wait'
> > spawns a completely new ruby process to connect back to the IE7 window
> > to click the link/button.
> > This is what is failing for me. Since click_no_wait is spawning a new
> > process. It cannot seem to see the IE7 window to connect to it and
> > click on the link/button. I have to use 'click_no_wait' due to a
> > dialog box that IE pops up on a certain page, so that another ruby
> > thread can close it.
> > I've tried a few things:
> > - using fire_event('OnClick') instead of click_no_wait hangs script
> > like 'click' would.
> > - Modifying 'click' by commenting out '....@container.wait', but the
> > 'click!' itself is the API that hangs waiting for the dialog box to
> > close.
> > - Make 'click_no_wait' spawn a new thread instead of a process', but
> > other threads appear to be suspended while the 'click!' call executes
> > in that thread. Which is strange.
> > - Executing the 'click_no_wait' process using the exact same code that
> > is used to spawn the IE7 process, but it still can't find any IE7
> > windows.
> > By 'default' desktop described above, the code that spawns IE
> > basically does a series of C++ calls to attach the IE7 window to the
> > 'winsta0' desktop:
> > - LogonUser() // log in as tester account
> > - OpenWindowStation("winsta0") // to get default desktop
> > - SetProcessWindowStation()
> > - // add the user to interactive window station using
> > (GetUserObjectSecurity, GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, GetAclInformation,
> > AddAce, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, SetUserObjectSecurity)
> > - // add user to "default" desktop using APIs listed above.
> > - CreateEnvironmentBlock
> > - ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
> > - CreateProcessAsUser('iexplore.exe')
> > - // cleanup
> > Running the following Watir script under the particular user IE7 is
> > running under yields:
> > $IE = Watir::IE.attach(:title, /Google/)
> > $IE.button(:name, 'btnG').click!
> >     c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/ie-class.rb:
> > 246:in `method_missing': Windows (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:
> > 80040154 in HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from c:/
> > ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/ie-class.rb:246:in
> > "each"
> > Which contains:
> > c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/ie-class.rb:246
> > shell = WIN32OLE.new("Shell.Application")
> > windows = shell.Windows   ## Fails here
> > Let me know if I can supply more details or disambiguation! :)
> > Thanks, Shane.
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