Hey Aslak,

   Missed seeing you this year at Agile. :) Thanks for the details,
responses inline

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Aslak Hellesøy <aslak.helle...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I realisesd I had a rather old Ruby in my previous post, so I
> installed the newest Ruby One-Click installer (1.8.6):

I believe you were using p111 on 186 and Watir 1.6.2 according to the gist.
I'm using the same versions of everything you posted - also on a VM for my
Mac, and 10+ vms that we're using for test boxes as well as 70 odd qa
engineers. I haven't seen that error.

In most of the requests I found when searching for that error tends to be
related to COM requests being hosed by Windows. I hate to ask the obvious,
but did you restart your VM?

You might follow Zeljko's instructions on installing the latest rc gems,
though I doubt that would help since nothing has changed in the IE process

> > ruby --version
> ruby 1.8.6 (2009-08-04 patchlevel 383) [i386-mingw32]
> This Ruby version doesn't come with the win32* gems installed, so when
> I try to gem install watir it wants to install win32-api.
> Now, this gem won't install - it tries to compile the win32-api gem's
> C code, and since I don't have Visual Studio that fails.
> The only prebuilt win32-api gem is win32-api-1.4.5-x86-mswin32-60.gem
> (http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=85&release_id=38337) - which won't
> install since it's not built for mingw32 (which is what Ruby is built
> with).
> Result: I can't use Watir with the latest 1.8.6 One click installer.
There is a dev package that you can use with the one click installer that
will build the win32* and associated windows gems. I haven't tried it yet,
but it is on the download page. I've been half following Luis' progress on
the next one click, need to get more involved with that and make sure with
our dependencies we can work with the new installer. Spent some time with
pik as well to manage the deps; hopefully I'll have a bit more spare time to
work on that soon.

> The same problem applies to ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175)
> [i386-mingw32] (Latest Ruby 1.9 one-click installer).

This is similar to the above issue. Jari Bakken has made some changes in
Watir to work with 1.9.1, which are in the rc2 gems Zeljko mentioned. One of
current requirements is user-choices by Brian Marick, which doesn't work on
1.9.1, sent him a mail about moving the code over to github.

Let me know how it goes, happy to help troubleshoot this.


> So what to do? What Ruby versions do people use to get Watir installed
> and working?
> Cheers,
> Aslak
> >

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