
Oddly enough my problem is described exactly in a Selenium thread here:

Firefox runs normally until I try to use FireWatir. The error message is as
described in the stackoverflow page.

When I do

mv /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/libsqlite3.dylib

Firefox won't launch normally or under FireWatir, and reports

SQLite Version Error/The application has been updated, but your version of
SQLite is too old and the application cannot run.

(Interestingly, the identical issue at mozilla
http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/forum/1/486263 is marked "solved" even
though the only successful strategy was to roll back FF to an earlier
version.  Also, more information here:

I don't see any sign of an authoritative fix.  If anyone has one, please let
me know.

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