Le mardi 10 novembre de l'année 2009, vers 11 heures et 08 minutes, Alexandre 
Delanoë écrivait:
> Hi all,
> I have 3.0.14-1 firefox on a debian testing box.
> Then I installed :
> http://wiki.openqa.org/download/attachments/13893658/jssh-20080725-Linux.xpi?version=1
> In a terminal I launch the command:
> firefox -jssh
> Then "telnet localhost 9997" is
> Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Error console indicates that
Components.classes['@mozilla.org/jssh-server;1'] is undefined in 
Source File:
Line: 133


JSShStarter.prototype = {
  // nsICommandLineHandler methods:
  handle : function(commandline) {
    debug("JSShStarter: checking for -jssh startup option\n");
    if (commandline.handleFlag("jssh", false)) { 
      // start a jssh server with startupURI
      // "chrome://jssh/content/jssh-debug.js". We use 'getService'
      // instead of 'createInstance' to get a well-known, globally
      // accessible instance of a jssh-server.
      // XXX Todo: get port, startupURI and loopbackOnly from prefs.
        .startServerSocket(9997, "chrome://jssh/content/jssh-debug.js",
      debug("JSShStarter: JSSh server started on port 9997\n");
  helpInfo : "  -jssh                Start a JSSh server on port


Any idea to fix this ?
Thank you for help.

Alexandre Delanoë

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