We are looking into getting a new version of user-choices released.


On Dec 7, 10:07 am, Alvin Bunk <alvinb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I noticed there is a problem issuing the command “require ‘watir’”
> form the Interactive Ruby Shell. The error is described here: (http://
> forum.brightbox.co.uk/forums/isitruby19-com/topics/watir-gem-
> installation?page=1).
> In order to resolve the issue, I had to modify the files ‘arglist-
> strategies.rb’, ‘conversions.rb’, and ’sources.rb’ in the ‘C:
> \Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\user-choices-1.1.6\lib\user-choices’
> folder.
> The problem is with the with the case statement, as descrived in the
> link above. I simply changed the colons to ‘when’, and then the
> “require ‘watir’” command worked.
> This is not a question, but rather a statement that these files need
> to change in order to simplify installs for users.

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