Did you try all the solutions on

solution #3 (after some customization) works for me very consistently.

On Jan 11, 7:29 pm, Alpinweis <alpinw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using the following code taken from Watir Wiki on JS Popups:
>     def check_for_popups(title="Windows Internet Explorer",
> button="OK", user_input=nil)
>       popup = Thread.new {
>         autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')
>         ret = autoit.WinWait(title,"",60)
>         if (ret == 1)
>           puts ">>>Popup<<<"
>           autoit.WinActivate(title)
>           puts ">>>after WinActivate<<<"
>           button.downcase!
>           if button.eql?('ok') || button.eql?('yes') || button.eql?
> ('continue') || button.eql?('open') || button.eql?('allow')
>             autoit.Send(user_input) if user_input
>             autoit.Send("{Enter}")
>           else
>             autoit.Send("{tab}")
>             autoit.Send("{tab}") if title == 'Open'
>             autoit.Send("{Enter}")
>           end
>         elsif (ret == 0)
>           puts ">>>Popup failed to show up<<<"
>         end
>       }
>       at_exit { Thread.kill(popup) }
>     end
> I am using it with click_no_wait. My problem is that
> autoit.WinActivate often fails (looks like at random) when checking
> for a 'File Open' popup with a text field for the filename. It never
> succeeds on the first run, might succeed on the second or third try.
> It does not seem to fail when checking for a simple  javasrcipt
> confirmation popup.
> I am running on Windows 7 x64, watir 1.6.5, ruby oneclick installer
> 1.8.6-27 with the patch for click_no_wait applied, original
> AutoItX3.dll registered (downloaded from AutoIt website, since the one
> included with watir 1.6.5 does not work for me). There is also an
> AutoItX3_x64.dll. I tried to rename it to AutoItX3.dll and register it
> but this did not help.
> Would appreciate any help on how to fix this.
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